Buffalo Coulee, AB F1 Tornado of August 3, 1985

Lloydminster - Wainwright - Vermillion - Provost

Figure 1 depicts the surface observations at 7:00 am EST.

Figure 1. Surface analysis at 7:00 am on August 3 , 1985 showing mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) contours, surface observations, fronts and pressure centres (NOAA, 2020)

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada (2018), an F1 tornado touched down at 5:00 pm MDT near Buffalo Coulee, AB. The path and width of the tornado was not documented by ECCC.


NOAA Central Library. (2019). U.S. Daily Weather Maps. Saturday August 3, 1985 [PDF]. Retrieved from https://library.noaa.gov/Collections/Digital-Collections/US-Daily-Weather-Maps

Environment and Climate Change Canada Data. (2018). Canadian National Tornado Database: Verified Events (1980-2009) – Public. Retrieved from: http://donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/weather/products/canadian-national-tornado-database-verified-events-1980-2009-public/