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Amazing sky over Ogallala, NE 04:24 PM @NWSHastings @NWSNorthPlatte @NWSOmaha #newx
Amazing sky over Ogallala, NE 04:24 PM @NWSHastings @NWSNorthPlatte @NWSOmaha #newx
The structure and mammatus on this storm!! Madrid, NE 05:13 PM @NWSHastings @NWSNorthPlatte @NWSOmaha #newx
Huge shelf cloud that is turning into a derecho near Wellfleet, NE 07:13 PM @NWSHastings @NWSNorthPlatte @NWSOmaha #newx
Huge shelf cloud that is turning into a derecho near Wellfleet, NE 07:13 PM @NWSHastings @NWSNorthPlatte @NWSOmaha #newx

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1m Reply

Awesome 😎😎😎

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