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What an interesting day to catch a tornado close to Calgary.
The wife and I were not even chasing this day and on our way to the grocery store. I spotted the supercell in the distance and watched it consolidate real fast. That’s when I gave her my Cell phone to take shots with. Unfortunately I left the DSLR at home and the best I could do is manage taking photos with my One plus phone at the time.

As I waited for my wife to complete the quick shopping trip I kept snapping photos.
20 Minutes later I was able to get home and grab the DLSR and snap some shots of the dying Mesocyclone as it moved east of Calgary.

Thankfully the only damage was to an abandoned house near the turn off to Priddis on the NE corner of 22x. About this point it started to outflow as the temp dropped about 2 degrees.

Dan Madden – Assistant team lead – Twisted Chasers
Dan Madden
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