6 June 2024 — Texas/Oklahoma — Severe Warned Gust Front

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Will this congestion near Arnett, OK light off?
Will this congestion near Arnett, OK light off?
Northeast side of the Higgins storm wants attention. #txwx
Northeast side of the Higgins storm wants attention. #txwx
I do like shelf surfing. NW of Arnette. #okwx
I do like shelf surfing. NW of Arnette. #okwx
Probably shouldn’t stay here long. E of Armette. #okwx
Probably shouldn’t stay here long. E of Armette. #okwx
Hogging a desolate dirt road near Woodward for a bit. #okwx
Hogging a desolate dirt road near Woodward for a bit. #okwx

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