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I was between two storms at Cheyenne Wells, each rapidly intensifying and showing signs of rotation, when the storm to the east took over and became tornadic. As I turned southward, I saw a beautiful, large cone tornado just southeast of town. I quickly maneuvered for a place to stop that 1) yielded a view, and 2) wouldn’t leave me stuck in thick mud! The area was heavily saturated from training storms, and it was no easy feat finding a place to stop. I finally managed a great vantage as the tornado was at its most mature stage, as a broad cone.
I was ready to document! BUT… My video camera beeped ‘memory card full.’ My camera had been knocked and its settings were out of whack. Everything was going wrong! By the time I got my camera ready to shoot, the tornado was beginning to rope out. As I was overtaken by heavy rain, I managed to capture a few shots of the serpentine rope as the tornado wound down.

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