2020-06-30 Training Day

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I didn’t take any pictures this day, and an entry looks naked without a picture, so here is one from Broadview Sask of the aurora taken 2021-02-06. I think the “Space Storm” is a stretch for qualification, but its all I got!

After the long day in Flash yesterday, today started off with a text from Chris saying that they would be in Redvers Sask at 3 if I wanted to tag along. So I did what any calm, rational person does and I beat them there by a little over an hour! 🤣🤣🤣

When everyone got there and the plan had been made, we headed East into Manitoba. We did a loop from Melita – Medora – Deloraine – Waskada. Somewhere along here I had the strangest sense of calm come over me.

Here is a middle aged dude, who 2 weeks earlier had never actually chased a storm, racing down a highway, following Flash, trying to get ahead of the storm, I had never been so at peace in my life. It is corny and cliché, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is where I belong.

I didn’t even pull out the camera, but the amount I learned was incredible, Chittick is very quickly becoming one of my favorite people, and I generally am not a big people person.

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